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fire endurance中文是什么意思

用"fire endurance"造句"fire endurance"怎么读"fire endurance" in a sentence


  • 火灾持续性
  • 耐火极限


  • Standard guide for extension of data from fire endurance tests
  • Extension of data from fire endurance tests
  • From the test results , suggestion that negative moment reinforcement should run through the specimens to postpone the crack ' s appearance and improve the specimens " fire endurance are also proposed
  • The main factors including concrete cover and prestressing levels which may have influence on the fire resistance of the simply - supported slabs are examined . the deflection and prestress are presented . from the results of tests , the fire endurance of the simply - supported slabs are given
  • The vesicant material is the most key factor for the performance of the 11th coating , and then , the next is based matrix . if the dosage of based matrix is definite , increasing the dosage of vesicant material , compound material or additive will improve the fire endurance of the produced material
  • Suitable for the fireproofing of the skyscraper , can be suitable for such obscure steel construction in industry and civil building as the theatre , petrochemical industry , garage , oil drilling platform and large span factory building , etc . , coating plays a firing prevention and protecting role on the surface , improve the fire endurance to reach the specification of modern fire protection design
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